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- There are CB commands to make the CB easy and fun to use. Each command starts
- with a slash (/) and is followed by a command word. Only the first three (3)
- letters of the command are needed. A command can be entered any time you are
- on the CB. (That is after you have responded to the initial prompts, and are in
- the CB mode.)
- Here is a list of the current commands, and their uses. More commands are
- planned for the future.
- /HELp - This command prints a list of the current commands, and how to use
- them. It is brief in scope and is meant as a memory jogger and is not meant
- to be complete documentation.
- /BYE - This command is used to sign off the CB and hang up the phone. Everyone
- sharing your channel will see a message that you have signed off. The message
- will be:
- <LADIES MAN>is off.
- (assuming your handle is LADIES MAN)
- /CALl jj - This command is used to get the attention of another person on the
- CB. For example, you might want to reach someone who is in the private mode.
- Press <RETURN>, or <S>CROLL?s
- You can use the /CAL command to let them know that you are waiting. First
- determine the job number, using the /STA, or /SHO command.
- /CHAnnel cc - This command is used to change from one channel to another. The
- cc is meant to be the channel number you want to select. For example, if you
- are on channel 13 and you want to move to channel 27, enter the command:
- /CHA 27
- /ECHo - This command turns on the echo mode. When you are in the echo mode,
- you will see your messages, as well as the messages of everyone sharing your
- channel. To turn off the echo mode, issue the command /XEC.
- /EXIt - This command signs you off the CB and returns you to the GEnie menu.
- The same as /QUIt.
- /HANdle hh - This command is used to change your handle. For example, the
- command:
- will change your handle to FRED. The command:
- /HAN
- will display the current handle.
- /MONitor cc - This command allows you to monitor (listen) to up to 4 channels,
- besides the one you are on. You can only talk on one channel, but you can thus
- listen to 5.
- /QUIt - This command signs you off the CB and returns you to the GEnie menu.
- The same as /EXIt.
- /PRIvate jj - This command is used to enter the private mode with another user.
- To use the command, first use the /STA command to find the Job number of the
- other person you want to "go private" with. For example, to go private with
- Job 6, issue the command:
- /PRI 6
- Job 6 will receive a message that you are requesting them in the private mode.
- Your job number will be in the message, for example:
- Job 2 requests you in the private mode.
- They would respond with:
- /PRI 2
- and you would see the message:
- Job 6 has joined you in the private mode.
- In the private mode, all messages are private between the two parties, and no
- one else may view them. To exit the private mode, both users issue the /XPR
- command.
- /SCRamble kkkk - This command is used to scramble your messages. Messages will
- appear scrambled to anyone who does not know the key kkkk. To use this
- command, first decide on a four (4) character key word. Then exchange this key
- among your group. (Perhaps using GE Mail). After logon, each member issues
- the same /SCR command. Then text will appear clear to all members. While in
- the scramble mode, you will also see any messages that are unscrambled.
- /SHOw hh - This command displays the Job #, City, and State of the job with
- handle hh. The display is similar to that of the /WHO command.
- /SQUelch jj - This command allows you to squelch unwanted output from job jj.
- If you find a person offensive, you may squelch them. They will see a message
- that you have squelched them. From that point on, you will see none of their
- messages. Use the /XSQ command to restore them.
- /STAtus cc - This command displays the City, State, handles, and job numbers of
- other users on the CB. The cc is the channel number you want the status of.
- If the channel number is omitted, the status of your current channel is
- displayed. Here are three examples of the command:
- /STA - displays the status of the current channel.
- /STA 15 - displays the status of channel 15.
- /STA * - displays the status of ALL Channels.
- /TIMe - This command displays the current time and day. It is the catalog
- time, curently GMT.
- /USErs - This command displays a chart showing the number of users on each
- active channel. It is the same chart displayed during logon, but it is updated
- to show the current balance of users.
- /WHO jj - This command prints the City, State and handle of Job jj. Use it to
- identify a particular job.
- /XECho - This command turns off the echo mode.
- /XMOnitor - This command turns off the monitor mode. Users on the channels you
- have been monitoring will see that you have stopped monitoring.
- /XPRivate - This command is used to exit the private mode. See the discussion
- under the /PRI command.
- /XSCramble - This command turns off the scramble mode, and produces messages in
- clear text.
- /XSQuelch - This command turns off the squelch of all jobs you have squelched.